
Introducing "Bark"

Hacked Mini Toy Megaphone for Live Recording

As an electro-acoustical luthier, I'm always looking for new and exciting ways to create unique instruments that push the boundaries of sound. Recently, I came across a mini toy megaphone at a thrift store and was immediately inspired to turn it into something special. After some experimentation and hacking, I am proud to introduce the "Bark" instrument - a noise generator with a jack output for live recording.

The Inspiration

The mini toy megaphone was a perfect starting point for the Bark instrument. Its small size and simplicity made it easy to work with, and the fact that it already amplified sound meant that I could focus on shaping and manipulating the noise it produced. I knew that with a bit of hacking, I could turn this toy into a powerful noise generator that would be perfect for live performances. You can also find this megaphone on amazon.

The Hacking Process

The first step in creating the Bark instrument was to take the megaphone apart and identify its components. I found that it consisted of a speaker, a battery compartment, a select switch and an on/off switch.

Next, I added a jack output to the circuit so that I could connect the Bark instrument to other audio equipment. This involved soldering a 1/8" jack to the wires that connected the jack in parallel with the megaphone speaker. Once the jack was in place, I reassembled the megaphone and tested it out.

The Final Result

The final result of the Bark instrument is a powerful noise generator that can produce a wide range of unique sounds. By adjusting the switch, I can create everything from soft, ambient noise to harsh, abrasive tones. The megaphone can also auto oscillate by blocking the speaker and stimulating the microphone. And because the instrument has a jack output, it can be easily connected to other audio equipment for live recording or performance !