
Patch Pals Library


If you are interested in modular synthesis or hardware music production, then you may have heard of "patch pals." Patch pals are small electronic modules that can modify a signal, whether it's an audio or control signal, directly on "the line" - that is, from one audio jack to another.

Not only are patch pals a great way to modify your sound, but they are also an excellent way to learn about modular synthesis. They are simple to produce, inexpensive, and provide useful functions for both beginners and advanced users.

In this article, we will explore the different types of patch pals that can be found on the internet, as well as my personal contributions. While this list is not exhaustive, it will serve as a starting point for those interested in diving into the world of patch pals and modular synthesis.

So whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, read on to discover the wonderful world of patch pals!

Fixed Attenuator

An attenuator is a module used to reduce or attenuate a signal. These fixed value attenuators are specifically developed to attenuate a signal permanently. For example, if a signal is too strong from one piece of equipment or if an input is too sensitive.


Variable Attenuator

A variable attenuator is based on the voltage divider rule and is able to manage the amplitude of CV signals. It can be used to control the amplitude of both CV and audio signals.



A polarizer can cut one of the two polarizations of a signal in order to keep only the positive/negative part of it. This operation can add irregularity to the signal, such as when a sine wave is converted to a bouncing signal.


Cable Extender

When you don't have a long enough cable to connect two jacks, a cable extender can come in handy. This patch pal can be used as an extension cord to link two short wires together and reach your jacks.



Sometimes a module's output may have a slight offset, with a DC component shifted into the signal. By adding a sufficiently large capacitor, it is possible to reduce this offset (although there may be some current loss).



This is the simplest and the more useful pals! Combine with an attenuator and a capacitor, it leads to a magnificent dirty low pass!


Gate Combiner

A gate combiner allows a CV input to be controlled from several outputs. This can be useful to build more complex control functions by building them from simpler sub-functions.


Audio Mixer

An audio mixer is a patch pal that can mix multiple audio signals together. This can be useful for creating complex sounds.


Passive Multi

A passive multi is a simple device that allows a signal to be sent to multiple destinations. It can be used to split one signal into multiple signals.


Other Ideas

There are many other patch pals that can be created, such as a frequency divider, an envelope follower, or a sample and hold circuit.


In conclusion, the patch pals library is a great resource for anyone interested in modular synthesis. By creating these simple and inexpensive devices, you can learn more about the workings of modular synthesis and create unique sounds that are entirely your own.
